Making a face mask at home will be a challenging job. You have to be careful about the work you do. If you are a beginner you should know about how much amount you need to add, if you do not know about it then you can get help from the one who is well known to it.
Making it happen on your own without knowing it will lead you to big trash. You can make a homemade charcoal face mask at home for a low cost it will not make you spend your money.
The charcoal can clean your skin from deep and will remove the impure substance that is present inside your skin.
This charcoal will kill the germs that are present in the form of dust in the skin and also removes the dust that is present inside the pores of the skin. To make activated charcoal mask you have to do the procedures for it in the right way.
When you make the charcoal face mask you have to mix the coconut oil along with that by making them get melt. You also need to ass betonies clay along with the mixture. After that, you have to add some of the water that is based according to the need.
While you make this mixture you should not add any metals to it. If you feel like the mixture is too sticky then you can add one spoon of water to the mixture to make them get loose.
Stop the mixture when it reaches the desired consistency. After the process is done you cannot apply them immediately, you have to store them in a glass container for some time to make the mixture get well mixed and finally, you can apply them in your face.
When you apply them to your face you have to wash your face with the help of pure water and then apply them.
Leave them as such for a while and allow them to dry completely. After that, you have to remove them by using the help of warm water and wipe with a soft towel. From this, you can see the changes done by the homemade charcoal mask.
Wrapping up:
The charcoal mask can be done by home in simple ways. By reading this article you would have come to know about the procedure that has to be carried out to do the face mash.